Crossroads Bible Church partners with 12 local organizations. If you would like to volunteer with one of these organizations, visit the websites to discover how you, your family or your community group can serve locally! These organizations are supported through Crossroads Benevolence. If you would like to financially support any of these organizations, you can give here.

Acres of Diamonds sets out to ensure that every homeless woman and child that comes to Acres receives the opportunity to rewrite their story. With homeless families experiencing generations of poverty, abuse, neglect and addiction, Acres of Diamonds aims to provide holistic, long-lasting solutions to help address the problems.

Antioch Adoptions is a non-profit, Christian agency in Washington State with the goal of making family a reality for every child currently on the path to adoption. We assist Christian parents from foster care licensing to adoption finalization. We assist birth families and adoptive parents with an adoptive plan.

Bridge Disability Ministries
Bridge Disability Ministries is a community of people with disabilities and our friends, family, fellow church members, clergy, and other allies. Together, we envision a world in which people with disabilities have full access to community life and are valued as indispensable members of society. Together we work to build accessible communities, end isolation among people with disabilities, and create a world in which each and every one of us can thrive.

Care Net Pregnancy and Family Services of Puget Sound offers hope by providing compassionate practical care, accurate information, Biblical Truth, and life-affirming resources for pregnancy, sexual health & integrity, and abortion recovery.

The mission of Jubilee REACH is to bring healing, build community, and transform the lives of the students and families in Bellevue. Staff and volunteers work toward our mission in four main areas, also known as our four pillars: the public schools, our community center, the thrift store, and community-building events.

Transforming the lives of at-risk children through the healing power of family.
We believe every child, young adult and family is worthy of love, safety, and the opportunity to live a fulfilling life free from pain, fear, and isolation.
We believe every child, young adult and family is worthy of love, safety, and the opportunity to live a fulfilling life free from pain, fear, and isolation.

The Salvation Army’s Seattle Social Services (SSS) Programs help Seattle’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged residents meet their basic human needs for food, shelter, and safety.
How does your support help the Salvation Army? CBC helps fund a women’s shelter, men’s shelter, transitional living facilities, emergency overnight and cold weather shelters, veteran’s programs, food banks, community meals, addiction recovery, domestic violence aid, advocacy, and transitional living facilities, emergency financial assistance, job skills training, and financial literacy.
How does your support help the Salvation Army? CBC helps fund a women’s shelter, men’s shelter, transitional living facilities, emergency overnight and cold weather shelters, veteran’s programs, food banks, community meals, addiction recovery, domestic violence aid, advocacy, and transitional living facilities, emergency financial assistance, job skills training, and financial literacy.

Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission is a nonprofit ministry that loves and cares for our homeless neighbors throughout greater Seattle. Our mission is to bring the love of Jesus and hope for a new life to our homeless neighbors. Our vision is to see every homeless neighbor - beloved, redeemed, restored. We address root causes and break the cycle of homelessness by meeting urgent physical needs, building relationships, and offering long-term recovery programs. Our efforts work to restore dignity and help move people to healthy, thriving lives. We want everyone to know, no matter their circumstances, they are loved and cared for, by us and by God.

Urban Impact was founded in 1987 to address the complex realities of urban poverty in Seattle’s Rainier Valley.
Our vision: All families are reconciled with God, where everyone is engaged and thriving in community.
Our mission: To break the cycle of social, material, and spiritual poverty and build healthy communities.
Our vision: All families are reconciled with God, where everyone is engaged and thriving in community.
Our mission: To break the cycle of social, material, and spiritual poverty and build healthy communities.

Vision House helps break the cycle of homelessness for families with children. Parents and kids are supported with wrap-around services including transitional housing, counseling, and life skills training. Race doesn’t matter. Neither does religion, national origin, gender, or sexual preference. Every person deserves a healthy home; it’s not a privilege, but a basic human right.

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. The organization was founded in the aftermath of World War II to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs of war-torn Europe. Since then, for over 75 years, across 100 countries, World Relief has partnered with local churches and communities to develop sustainable, locally driven solutions to some of our world’s greatest problems.

Everyone is looking for a place to belong. Young Life Capernaum Greater Bellevue is a safe place where caring adults build friendships with adolescents with disabilities. We invite them into a community where they experience belonging. The dignity and love they experience allow them to discover their worth and value. We believe God wants adolescents with disabilities to discover the life he has created for them - a life lived to the fullest. You can be a part of this community by learning, loving, and experiencing life-long friendships with adolescents with disabilities.