Head of a theological institute in Vienna, Austria: "AKG - Akademie für Kirche und Gesellschaft" (www.akg-studium.at). Pastor of a church in Klosterneuburg: "Weinstock Kirche" (www.weinstock-kirche.at). Support of other churches by counseling and running conferences: "eternity Veranstaltungen" (www.for-eternity.at). Online ministry to reach people in Austria and far beyond with the gospel: "Aufblick" (www.aufblick.at).
To see strong and living churches send out excited followers to spread the gospel and the love of Christ, leaving His imprint on the world.

Head of a theological institute in Vienna, Austria: "AKG - Akademie für Kirche und Gesellschaft" (www.akg-studium.at). Pastor of a church in Klosterneuburg: "Weinstock Kirche" (www.weinstock-kirche.at). Support of other churches by counseling and running conferences: "eternity Veranstaltungen" (www.for-eternity.at). Online ministry to reach people in Austria and far beyond with the gospel: "Aufblick" (www.aufblick.at).
To see strong and living churches send out excited followers to spread the gospel and the love of Christ, leaving His imprint on the world.