We're inviting all CBC community groups to reach in love to serve our King County neighbors in the name of King Jesus during the month of March.
Commit to serving outside the church alongside your community group at least one time in the month of March.
Take time to pray with your community group to ask the Lord whom he intends you to serve. Do you have a neighbor in need? Perhaps a co-worker? Is there someone you've met recently that could be blessed by your help? Start there. If the Lord does not put any specific individuals on your hearts, consider serving alongside one of our local ministry partners or another gospel-centered local ministry. Some suggestions are listed below.
Questions? Email servetheking@cbcbellevue.com
Questions? Email servetheking@cbcbellevue.com
We love sharing what God has done at Crossroads. Want to share how you served this March? Fill out this form.
"Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare."
- The LORD through the prophet Jeremiah
"You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world."
- Jesus Christ to his disciples
All throughout Scripture, God has called his people to be agents for good for all of humanity. From the Garden to the New Heavens and New Earth, God has commissioned his people to effect good, cultivate creation, and be advocates for human flourishing, even in the darkest places. In the month of March, we are committing as a church family to live out who we are in King Jesus for King County by serving our community beyond the four walls of the church. As disciples at Crossroads, we are committed not only to be Planted in Truth and Rooted in Community but also Reaching in Love.
Commit to serving outside the church alongside your community group at least one time in the month of March to reach out to our community with the love of Jesus. Ask God to let this small step of faith lead to a culture of serving among us throughout the year.
Commit to serving outside the church alongside your community group at least one time in the month of March to reach out to our community with the love of Jesus. Ask God to let this small step of faith lead to a culture of serving among us throughout the year.
Send us your photos and tag your posts to @cbcbellevue with #servetheking2025
Looking to find out more about what our Community Groups are about?
Acres of Diamonds
Family-friendly (ages 12 and up with adult), prepare and serve a meal, landscaping maintenance, outdoor group projects, and cleaning. Contact: Farnaz O'Brien
Salvation Army
Teen-friendly (12+ with adult), prep and serve a meal, volunteer in Food Bank Contact: Lisa Borders
Bridge Ministries
Union Gospel Mission
Teen-friendly (16+), host Saturday equipment donation drive at CBC (3 hrs), or help in our equipment center, volunteer at a social event.
Contact: Jackie Kieszek
Contact: Jackie Kieszek
Family-friendly (10+ with adult), prep and serve a meal, sorting donations, prep and give hygiene kits Contact: Rob Tam
Care Net
Family-friendly (all ages with adult), landscaping, outdoor maintenance Contact: Dave Dingman, CBC
Vision House
Family-friendly* (all ages with adult), teach life skills class, watch kids, throw a party, prep and bring a meal, serve families at VH, landscaping, outdoor maintenance, make blankets.
Contact: Ray Choi
Contact: Ray Choi
Jubilee Reach
Family-friendly, Thrift Store serving (12+ with adult), pack groceries for families in need (family-friendly, all ages), landscaping, outdoor maintenance (all ages with adult supervision) Contact: Ann Steffen
World Relief
Family-friendly (all ages with adult), sort donations, wash cars, purchase groceries, ESL teaching & tutoring, employment mentoring, volunteer at WR Contact: Hannah Snelling
Olive Crest
Family-friendly (all ages with adult), serving foster families and kids, landscaping, outdoor maintenance Contact: Wendy Dennis